The Pikachu Cookbook!
Dedicated to the finest in pokemon culinary adventures
Parental Warning!!!
This collection of pages contains graphic and uncompromising satirical "recipes" which involve the procurement, field dressing and table preperation of various "pokemon"(trademarked by Nintendo) characters, and as such IS NOT SUITABLE for young children! They must not be exposed to this site! Send them away!!
Just to trip the Webnanny, here are some magic words(there is nothing like this on the site, but this should invoke the protective blocking software) SEX! HOT! XXX! PORN!!!
Still Here? Well, if you don't want to see this, or have your kids see this, hit the escape button below.
OK, Grasshopper, since you really want to see and participate in pokemon debuachery, continue on from The COOKBOOK!!
And, since you have been warned, I don't want to get any ignorant email from perturbed parents. Also, (requisite weasel words) the "POKEMON" characters and cartoon show is copyrighted by Nintendo, and any use of the characters, names or situations from the show or games is strictly for satire only. This is not an official "pokemon" site and does not pretend to be one.
We're just trying to have a little fun. Lighten up! Jeez!
And, good cookin'!
The original content of this site is copyrighted 1999 by Purple Velociraptor Productions.. By submitting recipes to this site, the submitter releases any and all copyrights to PVP, but rest assured that PVP will not use your material for any commercial venture. If we cross that line, the head 'raptor becomes fair game for large and unamused corporations, and we don't want that, do we?